Versailles Pilot Site

About Versailles Pilot Site

The French permanent Pilot Site, used by VEDECOM since November 2015 for its own automated vehicles demonstration and research activities is a unique location in Versailles downtown close to the castle:
– An area of 2km perimeter in the streets of the city in real traffic conditions.
– 6 traffic lights intersections equipped with RSUs (ETSI G5).
– 1 bus lane allowed for automated vehicles circulation.
The goal here is to provide a mobility service dedicated to touristic applications. Based on a small fleet (max 15 vehicles) of automated vehicles provided by VEDECOM and dedicated to car sharing application, this use case will experiment high level of connectivity (fleet management operations) and automated touristic tours. With the agreement of the Versailles’s Castle, a dedicated tour (in a controlled area) will be defined in the gardens of the castle. Finally, a platooning application for driverless cars rebalancing will be deployed in the streets of Versailles, either using a dedicated lane or by night. Furthermore, the vehicle could be able to park itself on the castle car park thanks to the autonomous valet parking technology.

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Video Clips

Interviews in Versailles

IoT and platooning applied to automous vehicles. Tests in Versailles, 2017-2020 (EN)

Platooning de véhicules autonomes pour rééquilibrer des flottes, projet Autopilot Versailles 2017-20 (FR)