Welcome to the AUTOPILOT Library! Here we keep copies of all AUTOPILOT publications and presentations. As the project progresses, more and more documents will become available here, including the public deliverables written by the consortium. We wish you an enjoyable reading!
Below is a list of articles that AUTOPILOT has published in journals or presented at conferences or other events in the past.
The fields below provide access to the presentations that AUTOPILOT has delivered in past events and which are publicly available. Due to the constraints of some events, not all AUTOPILOT presentations are available here. For upcoming events, please consult the Events page.
ITS World Congress 2017 In Montreal - Special Interest Session 55: Benefit Of IoT And BigData For Automated Driving And User Trust Challenge (31st October 2017)
1. Mr. Hajime Amano (President, ITS Japan) SIP-adus: Japanese Automated Driving Project
3. Mr. Oihana Otaegui (Vicomtech-IK4) New ADAS Generation: Connectivity And Data Privacy
Read more about this Special Interest Session at the ITS World Congress 2017 here.
ITS European Congress 2017 in Strasbourg - Special Interest Session: Connected and Automated Transport (20th June 2017)
1. Ms. Stella Nikolaou (CERTH/HIT) Human Factors in AD: Can IoT enhance Safety & User Acceptance?
2. Mr. Ralf Willenbrock (T-Systems) AUTOPILOT – Business Impact and Market Segments
4. Mr. Miodrag Djurica (TNO) Internet of Things for the Automated Driving
Read more about the AUTOPILOT Special Interest Session at the ITS Europe Congress 2017 here.
Throughout the course of the project, AUTOPILOT will organise a series of webinars. The fields below provide access to the recordings and presentations delivered during the webinars.
First AUTOPILOT Webinar (26th July 2017)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQjEQPf2N4E&w=560&h=315]
2. Mr Miodrag Djurica (TNO) Internet of Things for Automated Driving
3. Mr Paul van Koningsbruggen (Technolution) From Internet of Things to Internet of People
4. Ms Stella Nikolaou (CERTH) Human Factors in Autonomous Driving
5. AUTOPILOT webinar Question & Answer session
Read more about the first AUTOPILOT webinar here.