
The IoT European Large-Scale Pilots (LSP) Programme includes the innovation consortia that are collaborating to foster the deployment of IoT solutions in Europe through integration of advanced IoT technologies across the value chain, demonstration of multiple IoT applications at scale and in a usage context, and as close as possible to operational conditions.

The projects under the LSP programme are targeted, goal-driven initiatives that propose IoT approaches to specific real-life industrial or societal challenges. They are autonomous entities that involve stakeholders from supply side to demand side, and contain all the technological and innovation elements, the tasks related to the use, application and deployment, as well as the development, testing and integration activities.

The scope of the LSP Programme is to foster the deployment of IoT solutions in Europe through integration of advanced IoT technologies across the value chain, demonstration of multiple IoT applications at scale and in a usage context, and as close as possible to operational condition. IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme includes projects addressing the IoT applications based on European relevance, technology readiness and socio-economic interest in Europe.


LSP Brochure

The IoT European Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs) have prepared a brochure, which provides an overview of the overarching goals of this initiative, and some facts and figures about each of the 7 EU-funded projects active in the Programme. Download them below.

Condensed version

Full version


More Information

Further information about the European IoT Large-Scale Pilots Programme is available on the website